Nyní se vrátím k jednomu z výletů, který
jsem podnikla se svou českou kamarádkou Evou v květnu.
Rozhodly jsme se navštívit město Paldiski. Je to bývalé ruské
přístaviště atomových ponorek a stále zde žijí převážne obyvatelé mluvící
rusky. Ale to nebyl náš hlavní cíl. V okolí se nachází maják, který je
situovaný na skalnatém pobřeží (klif).
We now return to one of the trips which I arranged with myczech friend Eva in May. We decided to visit the city of Paldiski. It is a former Russian port nuclear submarines and you can still live mainly Russian-speaking residents. But that was not our main goal. There is a lighthouse, which is situated on a rocky coast (cliff).
We now return to one of the trips which I arranged with myczech friend Eva in May. We decided to visit the city of Paldiski. It is a former Russian port nuclear submarines and you can still live mainly Russian-speaking residents. But that was not our main goal. There is a lighthouse, which is situated on a rocky coast (cliff).
Náš první nápad byl jet z Tallinnu do Paldiski a zpět vlakem. To by bylo poprvé co bych
jela v Estonsku vlakem. Ale rozhodly jsme se navštívit ještě Keila-Joa, kde se
nachází kratší pěší okruh bývalou zámeckou zahradou. Potom už jsme zamířily do Paldiski,
zkusily jsme stopovat, bylo to poprvé v mém životě.:-) Byly jsme úspěšné. První pán nás svezl do Keila, ten druhý až do
Paldiski k majáku. Cestou jsem zjistila, že zná jednoho
Čecha žijícího
nedaleko Põlva, kterého jsem
jednou potkala v Maarja Küla, když jsem navštívila českou kamarádku Heli. Svět
je malý.:-)
Our first idea was to go from Tallinn-Paldiski and back by train. This would be the first time I went the train in Estonia. But we decided to visit also Keila-Joa, where is short walking circle through the former palace garden. Then we already headed to Paldiski, we tried hitchhike. It was the first time in my life. :-) We were successful. The first man drove us to Keila, the other to Paldiski to the lighthouse. Along the way I found that he knows of one Czech, who lives near Põlva. Whom I once met in Maarja Küla When I visited theczech friend Heli. The world is small :-)
Our first idea was to go from Tallinn-Paldiski and back by train. This would be the first time I went the train in Estonia. But we decided to visit also Keila-Joa, where is short walking circle through the former palace garden. Then we already headed to Paldiski, we tried hitchhike. It was the first time in my life. :-) We were successful. The first man drove us to Keila, the other to Paldiski to the lighthouse. Along the way I found that he knows of one Czech, who lives near Põlva. Whom I once met in Maarja Küla When I visited theczech friend Heli. The world is small :-)
- bylo tam napsané : na vlastní nebezpečí - - It read there: at your own risk - |
Májak a celé pobřeží bylo úžasné, krásný přírodní úkaz, strávily jsme tam docela dlouhý čas.
The lighthouse and the coast was amazing, beautiful natural phenomenon. We spent quite a long time.
The lighthouse and the coast was amazing, beautiful natural phenomenon. We spent quite a long time.
- photo by Eva Kakosová - |
- když jsme odcházely, přijel plný autobus fotografů ( turistů) - - when we was leaving, came a bus full of photographers (tourists) - |
Když jsme se vrátily zpět do města, zbyl
nám ještě čas před odjezdem vlaku zpět do Tallinnu. Ve městě toho moc k
objevování nebylo, jsou to převážně paneláky ze sovětské doby a nákladní
přístaviště. Tak jsme šly znovu stopovat. Opět úspěch. Tentokrát nám zastavila
paní a vzala nás do Keila, kde nám zastavila další paní, ta už nás vzala rovnou
do Tallinnu. Takže vlakem jsme se neprojely. Ale druhá paní
byla úžasná, strašně energická a taky asi první pastorkyně, kterou jsem
v životě potkala:-)
When we returned back to the city. We still had time before go back to Tallinn by train. In the city was not much the for discovery. There are mostly prefab house of Soviet-era and freight dock. So we went again hitchhike, again success. This time we stopped the lady and took us to Keila, where we stopped another lady. She already took us straight to Tallinn. So we didn´t go by train. But the second lady was amazing, very energetic and also probably the first pastor ( parson), before I've never met in my life:-)
When we returned back to the city. We still had time before go back to Tallinn by train. In the city was not much the for discovery. There are mostly prefab house of Soviet-era and freight dock. So we went again hitchhike, again success. This time we stopped the lady and took us to Keila, where we stopped another lady. She already took us straight to Tallinn. So we didn´t go by train. But the second lady was amazing, very energetic and also probably the first pastor ( parson), before I've never met in my life:-)
- přístaviště - - harbor - |
- pravoslavná kaple uprostřed panelákového sídliště - - orthodox chapel in the middle of prefab buildings - |
Během tohoto víkendu
jsem byla objevovat další nová místa v Tallinu, proto pár
fotek i odtud.
Over this weekend I was discovering more new locations in Tallinn, and some photos from here.
- uvnitř muzea KUMU v Tallinnu - - inside museum KUMU in Tallinn - |
- škola ve čtvrti Viimsi v Tallinnu, je to prestižní základní škola - - school in the district Viimsi of Tallinn, it is a prestigious elementary school - |
- pohled na centrum Tallinnu z pobřezí čtvrti Viimsi - - view on the center of Tallinn from the coast district Viimsi - |
- televizní věž v Tallinnu - - TV tower in Tallinn - |
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